First episode: July 5, 2001
Final episode: December 27, 2001
The Story
At first glance Furuba is just another Shoujo Anime with nothing different to it; the average, beautiful, kind girl getting all the pretty boys. Okay so it really is that, however there's a special touch to the way the series develops itself and how you watch each character grow and interact with each other as the story progresses. The story starts with Tohru Honda, your as average-as-you-can-get anime girl who has lost her mother in an accident and was living alone in a tent in the Sohma's property. Of course she wasn't aware of that until they told her, to her surpirse they take her in in exchange for her doing all the housework (it was her who suggested not staying in the house 'for free'). It's when she's there that she discovers the family's biggest secret... The family has been cursed by the vengeful spirits of the Chinese Zodiac animals and when they are hugged by a member of the opposite sex they transform into the animal they were cursed by. When Tohru comes in their life they all learn to open up their heart more and realize that not all the people in the worlds are bad; this girl affects each one of them in a unique way.
It's a beautiful Anime with heart-touching subjects, there is much you can learn from it and definitely worth buying if the chance should present. There is just about everything in this series:bishonen, angst, drama,comedy, romance, and a light-hearted, kind of story showing us the way.
The characters will I am not sure how much i can say really with out giving any thinking away . in this series are probably some of the best made and most memorable of all anime. They are very deep and more than meets the eye. I paricularly loved Shigure with all his exasperation and pervy comments (which he said purely for reaction and a smack on the head). Tohru the main Character is a very sweet and kind heart Girl who seem to to bring a smile to every one"s face. Next you have Kyo when we first met him he does seem to be a bit bitter to a lot of people but really who can blame him . but as we seen him around Tohru we can start to see him start to sofin up a lot and see is really sweet and kind heart . and last we have Yuki the sweet and shy Yuki , there nothing really much to say about him when we first see Yuki he lot more to him self but after he with Tohru we see him start to come out of his shall more and more and really try to enjoy life more.
The secondary cast was surprisingly good, I can't say that any of the supporting characters had any notable flaws. The villain of the series remains mysterious and intimidating and to this day I have no idea what to make of him (I am at this mont reading the manga and wounding why they could not have put of the story in the anime and every gave us more about the Characters cuz the anime just really dose not ever go as deep as the Manga does for back story and so on ).
The character designs are beautiful and would characterize everyone in the series a bishonen and bishojo. The colors of the hairs and eyes of the Sohma Family match with the animal they were cursed by and it gives each one of them a unique touch.
Tohru's design is supposed to be as average as possible since she represents a normal japanese girl.
There's is also a 'big abuse' of Super-Deformed characters (Ex. Chibi form) but it just serves to highlight the emotion they are expressing and make the show even more funny.
The music is simply beautiful, although the 26-episode long series only has one opening(For Fruits Basket) and one ending (Chiisana Inori) (both performed by Ritsuko Okazaki) it serves it's purpose leaving you with a serene calm sensation!
The soundtrack used as background music is delicate and simple
However if you haven't watched the series and just purchase the soundtrack for the sheer pleasure of it you will be disappointed since it is nothing special by itself, you must see the anime first so you can relate each short song to a scene.
As far as Voice acting go's they all seemed to fairly fit their character perfectly. Tohru's voice was down Yuki Horie who also voiced for Love Hina's Narusegawa Naru. Her sweet, sharp voice goes in tune with Tohru's personality perfectly. the onley thinking i could say about the Japanese vergen is a i know a few people kind do not like the fact that Yuki is voices by a girl Aya Hisakawa and in the eng dub go's Laura Bailey Did a amazing Job as Tohru and Jerry Jewell and Eric Vale both did a job will down as Kyo and Yuki.
Over all
Over all I Find Fruits Basket to be a very enjoy Show over all .You won't find a boring episode in this series. Each one develops and focuses's on a character's situation. Although the series was cut short abruptly and much ends were left untied (the manga is still running) seeing by itself will leave you satisfied (if not with a small crave for the continuity of it).
As mentioned before there's much you can learn from this anime since it deals with how we must see our own self's
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