Hi Hi Konnichiwa so
to day going to be different I am going to tell you about and movie and what it think of it as a all so this will be shorter than my other anime blogs I do do on here cuz I am not going to go really in to the hole Characters thinking and anleysing them cuz some time in a moive you have so many Characters in the story that every the small roll make a big different in the movie or show story line. OK here we to day moive and first one is Kiki's Delivery Service ^^
This is the story of a young witch, named Kiki who is now thirteen years old. and being awich she has to live away for him for a year to help out in her training but headstrong, and also resourceful, imaginative, and determined. With her trusty wisp of a talking cat named Jiji by her side she's ready to take on the world, or at least the quaintly European seaside village she's chosen as her new home. in her jonery she make lot of new friends will starting up a deviser serves. will what can I say I reamber seeing this back in 1998 so I was 8 when I fist saw it and I just loved it I mane every now at the age of 21 in still just a beautiful story about love and all ways trying your best and never give up no matter every if you have bad day and every thinking go wrong for you I have to say the ending end still make me cry cuz of the pure joy of love and happenis you have for Kiki at the end and you just and up rooting for her . and also I would have to say this was my very first Studio Ghibli filme and falling in love with the wonderful mined of Hayao Miyazaki . in all I think I siad all that need to be said of this filme it really to me and I say this about a lot of Studio Ghibli films but a very inspiering fime aboput never giving up no mateer what and beilveing in your slef, I really think every one should give this moive a try and check it out so in till next time guys .
Sayonara take care ^^