you know thoes late night whne you up for no reason and your still on your computer for no really reason as will you have your tv on for no really reason but hey you still want wach somethinking . every if not on your tv so you your just randoming playing on you tube and you come a cross and show called Clannad and click on it and a hour late you can't stop waching every if you know you have to get up for school the next day but you keep telling your slef on more show will not here yup we have been there with so many diffient shows to day rivew is about one of thoes kind of shows for me a show called Clannad .
The story of Clannad revolves around a slacker by the name of Tomoya Okazaki and his interactions with multiple girls within his high school. There are several arcs, each of which focuses on one of the girls but the overall story focuses on the rebuilding of the discontinued drama club, and his reashoiship with one Nagisa Furakawa. The overall plot of the show is somewhat forgettable but the arcs themselves are good. In particular the first arc was brilliant, mixing comedy with emotion to the point where I was laughing in one scene and tearing up in the next. Subsequent arcs stuck to the same formula but did not reach the heights of the first arc but were good none the less. Also the pacing can be quite slow at some points and is definitely off-putting.
Kyoto Animation really knows their strengths when it comes to animation. and this were can be said for such a show like Clannad. The quality, as per usual, is very high and remains in accordance with the high production values of Kyoto Ani. The characters movements are fluid and the colours and backgrounds are vivid and bright. The character details are great but it is the character designs themselves which is the thing I have a problem with. This is due to there being three characters with a different shade of purple differing them and another 2 characters having slightly different facial features that differ between them. This is more a problem due to source material rather than the animators themselves but come on you can do better Kyoto Ani.
So they did. All throughout Clannad there are scenes from a different dimension. These scenes are some of the best that I have ever seen. They were beautifully executed; the character movements were almost life like, the detail put into each scene is extraordinary and the ambient lighting always fits the mood exquisitely.

The soundtrack in this anime will have you reminiscing about the scenes that certain tracks accompany. The tracks are very well composed and match the scenes, moods and atmosphere exquisitely. Also the ending is very cute and catchy dongo song that plays a major role in After Story. The gripes I have with this soundtrack is that, for all the very good pieces there are, there is no piece that I have found to be special.
This is one of the few anime that I have watched in both English Dub and the original Japanese. Overall I cannot comment on the Japanese as I do not understand or know the language that will yet . (unfortunately) but I can feel the emotion which is put into the voices of each character.
The English Dub, on the other hand, is an entirely different matter on its own. When I watched the first episode of the English Dub I felt that it was quite a jarring experience. However, by the end of episode 3 I had become accustomed to English voices and by episode 7 I had become reasonably attached to them. The quality of acting throughout was good and I felt the emotion pouring through the characters.In particular praise should be given to David Matranga and Andrew Love who voiced Tomoya and Akio respectively. It was mainly due to the way in which these two characters were portrayed that I liked them so much. On the whole it was only a couple of voices that irked me alittle but nothing major and it was quite enjoyable to listen to, albeit with some shoddy writing at times.
I did like the series as a whole and was an enjoyable experience but it was mainly the melodrama throughout the series which kept nagging at me and reduce the overall immersion that I had. At times it enthralled me but other times I found it to be quite boring and it was this inconsistency which drops my enjoyment down quite a lot.
This is a very good anime on the whole, excelling in the animation and soundtrack elements and has some very good characters, albeit a bit bland at times. If you like a romantic anime with some slight harem influences then this will fit you fine however be warned that the anime is rather slow at points and does rely on some melodrama from time to time to try and stimulate your tear ducts.
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