Konnichiwa every one ^^ I hope you all had a good Xmas as long with a happy new year . if any one care's to know it is 2012 now so if any one has every play the game kingdom heart's it is the year of the larxene oh no 0_0 . and also for any one how like the show or seen the show Fruits Basket. it is the year of the Dragon so that mean's it is Hatori year than mmm i wonder how his dance going to go this year lol I bit now as wonderful as Yuki lol . but ya in tow years it will be the year of the Horse that mine animal who in the in Fruits Basket is Rin Sohma but she not in the Anime just in the manga so ya I pick Kyo than for me in the Anime ya so I guess I am a cat -Horse than lol but I can't wait for Hatsuharu year ^^ I do not why but for some reason he my favourite character in the show and I do not know why cuz I also love Yuki, Kyo, and Shigure and of course Tohru i really love every one in this show will I do not say every one I dislike akito -_-. I dislike him cuz he a Jerk to every one but at the same time i feel sorry for him cuz of him being so sick but at the same time it like omg you do not have to be so mean to every one you should be enjoy life will you can . but any way that enough about Fruit Basket which I want to get along with the 3 part of FMAB hehe i got part 1 for my brithday and part 2 for xmas and I am so happy it took every thinking in me to stop waching part2 yesterday ...... but if i had to I would watch it all day long I would I just love that show a long with a lot of other shows .... but any ways new year . my was OK like every year my familey we watch to ball's drop the one here and the one in Scotland and the Scotland one it just has to do with us be for europe and my family haveing friends there so ya but be sied that nothing really big happen try to stay up but could not cuz i feel sick on new years = ( but still i did make some new years resolutions I have 3 so here we go
1. i want to start taking better care of my self . I mean I take OK of my self but i think i should start taking better care of my self so like drinking more water and geting up every if it for 30 min's a day and start to work out again ya for some reason i stop so i am going to get at it
2. I am going to start being more positive to my self and just how i look at thinking now i mean any thinking and every thinking can happen if you just believe
3. I am going to start my graphic design class and really just with this one i just want try my handset and come out with some thinking new i never knew before and just finished it with a smile
4. Environmentally friendly or being more Green will really this one came up cuz i mean the earth is are home guys and i jsut think it about time to start dong my part be for it to late really .
yup than about me i really can't thinking of any think easl will ya I want to work more on my blog and davanetart or ya just a little news for any want to know for some reason I can't make vids any more for my youtube cuz for some reason but when I start again i am thinking of doing some thinking different than I never did before I think that all for now so talk to you all later Sayonara for now ^^
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