HOHOHOHOHO and Merry Christmas ^^ and we should also wish and happy brithday to Jesus as will . OK than so 2011 is alomost over and the new year going to start soon so let look back at this year. what was one amazing thinking that happen to you this year ? I guess a lot of of good thinkings happen to me this year I guess really when I tuned 21 this year I really have kind grow up a lot and by that I mean I work up yes I am always going to be a big kid at heart but I have see that I really need to start take some move's in my life and try to make it a good one . with that said I am very happy and thankful to God with the life I do have and the familey and friends i do have in my life and that ya maybe it not the best but I do got a place's to call home and food and all that jazz cuz really I have more than a lot of people and I am tankful for that and i would like this coming up year to find away to make one preson's life better . One bad thinking that happen to me this year?
I guess the onely bad thinking that happen to me this year was my cat die patty i had her when I was 4 and she die this year she was 18 year's old she was alod cat i am going to miss her very much =( i still feel really bad about her pasting.
what does Christmas mean to you ?
it mean love to me cuz we get to be with are familey and friends and tell them and show them with a gife maybe how much we do love them and need and how thankful we are for them . also love cuz of the baby Jesus he was born on this day and knowing what he was going to do for us die for us to save us for sin dame death and the devil that just amazing really when you think about it and i know deep down in me he would all over for us .
what one special Christmas memory do you have?
will I have to say for the memory one my favourite one has to be and still is to this day was when I was 7 and we just got down puting up the tree and I put on the chipmunks Christmas album and I tune off light's and I just danceing to that song and laying down on the floor and waching the light's and thinking to my self wow it so beautful I just felt so at peace like they was magic in the air and I felt like could do anything if I want to.
will let see tradition ? hummm... let see will the familey get together and we play game's or watch moive and eat dinner and than we open up giftes and that about it I think it just whit i start up some thinking like about 3 or 2 years ago and now i bee waching every year now and like mini show called Itsudatte My Santa!. it a a really funny kind sad a lovley story about A lonely boy who hates Christmas because his date of birth is on Christmas Eve, he was named Santa. He is often teased for his odd name. As he grew up, his parents were never there for him. His view of Christmas had changed when he met Mai. Mia is a very happy cheery person who like a Santa Claus in training .She was sent to Santa to cheer him up as her mission, to become a full flag Santa Claus but eventually falls in love with him in the process. it funny and some sadness in it but in all I love the story in all I think it just a lovely story about really a boy and girl and how they find out what Christmas is really about for them. so what are you going to do for new year's ? nothing much really I never really do any thinking maybe just have a little party of my own and stay up late and that about it I know I got a boring life right now really my life is going slow right now but I hope that all doing to
cheangs in the new year.
so what your new year resolution ? will I got so many lol will really I got 3 I want to loes waith and I want to start going to my text school cuz I would be right now butttt let just say my high school suck's big time and they try to pick on me it really a sad story in all and also i would like to try to find a job cuz you they some one I made a promise to and I would like to keep it so in about 2 yreas maybe i would like to have enough money to go see him and be with for about maybe 2 or 3 week's ^^.
A little news about my Blog, Youtube and Davantart
OK so a few last thinking's i just want say starting in the new year I will try to blog like every week maybe it just been kind hard cuz you crap been happing but ya going to try to blog every week or tow so that good and i am thinking of trying to do more than just AMV on my you tube i have been thinking of doing top 10 of anime stuff and doing with me talking which for me is a big step cuz i never been good with put my self out there really but we will see so ya and one last is about my davant art it will be get a make over in the new year and i can't wait for people to see it my ID cuz I have work hard on it . and last last thinking i can think OK is this i will be trying to sead one of my art work in to a contest to see if it really any good really and the praiz is 150 $ and they may make it like it to a plus or maybe some kind of thinking really it how much they like it which for me will help out alot cuz i mean i want to be a art's so any way i can get my stuff out there it wroth a try so ya ^^ thank you all and i with you all a HOHOHOHOHO and Merry Christmas ^^
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