HI HI Konnichiwa^^ it been some time that I did any thinking on here for some time will stuff has been happing to me right now and it just all really grrrr but it ok now it all going to get better soon I just know it but OK I come back to do another anime rant and to day I will be Ranting about Fullmetal Alchemist. so for who has never see or herd of this show the story line is this . the story is about Edward and Alphonse Elric tow very sweet and young boys who are trying to become alchemist, but sadly there mom die and so they try to bring her back by doing somethinking called Human Transmutation, a forbidden art in which one attempts to create or modify a human being. However, this attempt failed which Ed left leg and Alphonse's entire body. In a desperate effort to save his brother, Edward sacrificed his right arm to affix Alphonse's soul to a suit of armor. so not the tow brothers on a journey so fine the legendary catalyst called the Philosopher's Stone. that has the power's to help them get there body back . on there journey they meet some very interesting people that try to help the brother and some that try to stop them for reaching they goel. now their are tow different story lines there is fullmetal alchemist and fullmetal alchemist brotherhood the story are the same but there are some different in them as will fullmetal alchemist is more wirhte for TV and fullmetal alchemist brotherhood is base really more off the manga so yes the stoys both start the same but end so different . but as the show go's on we do meet so very intresting people will first there is of cores edward elric . will ed how do i say wil he stubborn and strong-willed, frequently letting his pettiness and vindictiveness get the better of him really he get mad every time some say that he short which I my self find it to be really mm funny how mad he can get by just some one calling him short in the show but still Ed is much more than that there he also can be selflessness, unflinching loyalty and have great compassion and love. I mean he has great love for his brother Al so much so that he would so any thinking to get Al body back I do believe. ever if the tow boys are different Alphonse is calm and passive disposition exists as a foil to his older brother's more abrasive personality. Al is kindhearted, notably compassionate and patient almost to a fault, acting often out of protective selflessness for his loved ones, new friends and sometimes toward even his enemies. he is just a sweet hart really and Ed he his I have to do want I must do can't show people i have a softer side but still ever if there tow are so differ really yin and yang I believe they are close enough that each would really would be willingly to give up there life for the other one. really I think ed would have at the beinging of the show if it mean Al could have a happyer and healthy life . but as you go more in to the story you met Colonel Roy Mustang. Mustang how do i say he is? he seem to be a shallow and self-absorbed man,He comes off to most as a sort of cocky layabout, shirking most of his duties and delegating his paperwork to subordinates while sitting idly at his desk with an amused smile on his face. but he does have a softer and sweeter sied as will but he does not really show it to any one the one he show it to is Riza Hawkeye who is always by his side . and it seem to me in the show that he does care a lot for Ed and AL and is willing to try to help them get there bodys back every if now and than Roy does teas Ed now and than . but every if the show is mostley about Ed and Al it does has some outer story lines that does go with it as will like the military and how Mustang it trying to make it to the top . how he want to be Führer one day and clean up shop so to say . but onely a few people know about Mustang longing to become Führer one day . like miss Raiz Hawkeye who is always by Roy side . Raiz she as a quiet, collected woman, with a serious but courteous demeanor. she also who is very much loyal to Mustage and will to help him to become Führer one day. but also I think ther more to ther relashionship than they let you know or see in the show i think to me they are more than just co wrokers or ever closer friends I think really they both really do love and care for each other deeply and is willing to keep each other safe form harm . and than if we shall talk about female roles in the show we can't not forget about missWinry Rockbell .shw very emotional, strong-willed and emphatic person who puts all her heart and effort into the things she does. she also Ed and AL's long time child hood friend and also become Ed's automail mechanic and is called on any time Ed mass up his arm .but no story would be any good with haveing it villines. and in fullmetal are villines are call something Homunculus and they are all name afte the 7 deadly sin's who has place's for the Elric brothers and the

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