At first I didn't like it, but it grew on me after a while. I didn't like it at first probably because it was a it feel like for ever for for the story to set it self up
, and its first impression on me wasn’t that good. The storyline for the first few episodes didn’t grab me, and I found myself always distracted by something else.
The storyline was promising, but I felt like the creators tried to fit as much as they can in only 26 episodes. Only the last three episodes were dedicated to Eve’s true nature, which was almost forgotten.
Are story start of with us meeting Sven Vollfied. who we find out is a sweepe who is looking for his next Job like sweepe do. Sven also has a eye that can see in the further which really help out when he get in to a jam . on the outer side of town we meet black cat or aka Train Heartnet. who at first work for the organization called Chronos.
Chronos, an organization bent on world peace, rules one third of the world's economy. To maintain the balance of the world, Chronos is therefore essential, and there is a need for people to protect Chronos. Thirteen special elite assassins each possess unique orichalcum -forged weapons and are called the Chrono Numbers, assassins who work for Chronos. When the thirteenth Chronos Number (Train Heartnet), also known as the infamous Black Cat, meets a Sweeper (licensed bounty hunter) named Saya , Train's morals and values are changed from those of Chronos's to those of his own. Instead of killing his victims like he is ordered to, he merely uses Hades (his orihilcon gun) to stop them instead. This leads to tension between him and the Chronos Elders, the leaders of Chronos, and eventually culminates in Train's departure from The organization. Creed Diskenth, a Chronos assassin, resents the way that Saya changed Train's life, and murders her. Train being sadin by the lost of his friend swears that he will pay back Creed some day for what he did to Saya . Two years later, Train is an easygoing Sweeper, traveling with his partners Sven and Eve, when Creed appears before Train once more. Creed, now with followers and power that rival anyone alive, including the numbers, vows to get Train to join him. Train must choose his friends and new life, or revenge, as Creed threatens to undermine Chronos and start his own World Revolution.

Train Heartnet
really what should i say about Train whne we frist meet him he a bron killer and very moody and kind boring in away. really if i can say it the way he was acting like at the benning that i did't ever want to keep waching Black cat at frist but as i wach it more we do see when Train becomes a Sweeper his personality changes drastically as he takes on a more lighthearted approach to life. There have been many scenes where Train is displayed carefree and even somewhat foolish. He often gets into fights with Sven (these fights involve Train letting another bounty slip through, his bottomless appitite, being way to silly, etc.) Following Saya´s way of life, he refuses to kill, and seems to take enjoyment in annoying his enemies. He isn't one to "look before he leaps" and his antics usually lead to accumulating debt that he and his partner Sven have collected from property damage. At times he is solemn, usually from regret that he was unable to help someone and other times, carefree and exuberant. There are times when Train will revert to his earlier personality when tempted.
Sven Vollfied
what can I say about Seven just really I love him at first monte I saw him . he follows a strict code of chivalry; he is always respectful to women and children and acts very proper. He is often tortured by Train capricious personality and is usually dragged into trouble and even more debt because of it. Throughout the series, he tends to get severely wounded but never backs down from his task or his code. but also I got to say he very kind and sweet gut a long side of being silly some time but he also can be creative thinker and always calm even in the most dangerous of circumstances.
Evewill Eve I Really do like Eve but there not a lot to say about her with out give a lot away I think but she is a very sweet and caring girl . I guess in some ways you can say she kind does have a robotic personality in a way she also is a very smart girl she always enjoy a good book. ^^
Creed Diskenth
The first and foremost thing to keep in mind about Creed is that he is completely mad! He is a bloodthirsty murderer who kills as naturally as he breathes and enjoys battles to no end. He will slay even his own followers without hesitation, because they disobeyed him or simply ceased to please him. The sufferings he endured as a child caused him to hate the entire world but he doesn't seek revenge or anything like this, he simply hates and kills.
Creed is also deeply narcissistic and megalomaniac. He cares about nothing but himself, and he considers himself superior to everyone in every way. As such, he wants to become immortal in order to remain perfect forever. Creed considers that he is the only one right in the world, he is convinced that those who disagree with him simply don't understand the truth, and he never hesitates to eliminate any contradiction. When things doesn't go the way he wants, he fabricates absurd explanations that follows his way, instead of questioning himself. This delusion is so strong that he doesn't understand why people such as Train hold a grudge against him. Nothing infuriates him more than a persistent opposition. However, deep down in his heart, he knows when he cannot bend a will to his own, and this only infuriates him more.
Creed is obsessed with talent. He regards regular people as mere trash, and he despises even more people who have done nothing to deserve a political influence that they take for granted. Creed wants a world where only gifted people who obey him can live, and plans to select them one by one, killing anyone whom he would deem unworthy. To put it simply, he wants the entire world to revolve around him and to fit his demented ideals of perfection. He doesn't only care about fighting skills though, and he considers any talent to its rightful worth. But he only regards his followers as pawns, and if he values their strength and listen to their advices, he rarely considers their objections.
Train Heartnet is the only one whom Creed truly respects. His dearest wish is to have Train rule the world by his side. Back when they were partners, he was not only fascinated by Train's astonishing power but also by his hatred of the entire world, that mirrored Creed's own. Creed felt that Train was exactly like him, and that he would be the only one who could understand him. But unfortunately for him, this wasn't Train's true personality, but rather a shell that he built during all those years of loneliness. A shell that Saya would break, much to Creed's dismay. Creed is persuaded that the ruthless killer is Train's true persona and he would stop at nothing to restore it, even if there is no hope right from the start.
Despite all this, Creed is a very charismatic and refined person. He enjoys luxury and he lives in opulent manors and castles. When he interacts with people he deems worthy, even if they are enemies, he acts with smiling and courteous manners. Creed is also clever and knowledgeable; He knows what he needs, he knows how to use it and he rarely underestimates his opponents, only making his move only when he has all cards in hand, or where he has at least one backup plan. Yet, when confronted to an opponent he admires, he may reveal his weaknesses to make things more interesting.
"Chronos is a ruthless assassins organization that rules one third of the world and underground business in various areas."( note I am not going to talk about every one in Chronos numbers so if thery some one you would like for me to talk about let me know )
Sephiria Arks is the Number I Sephiria is kind to almost everyone yet, at the same she will not hesitate to sacrifice anything in order ot complete any objective given to her by Chronos. She takes her job as a Number seriously, believing that one day they will achieve peace. However, she doesn't approve of the method in which they do it, and is a proponent of freedom. Even going so far as to allow Train hreatnet to escape because he wanted to follow his own ideals. Although Train had left the Chronos Numbers she felt no resentment towards him and even seems to feel guilty about using him.
Belze Rochefort, known as Number II Belze is a classy man who remains loyal to Chrons despite the fact he understands that Chronos is a dark and ruthless organization but also believes that if Chronos were to be destroyed, the world would fall into chaos and corruption.
Jenos Hazard is number VII Jenos is an unusual member of Chronos, being both laid-back and a flirt. However, he is also very able and well-trusted. Usually when trying to protect his allies. He falls for every woman he meets, and has taken a special interest in Rinslet. Perhaps because it's his motto to be kind to all kind of women, he treats Eve who is spoken of like a monster by Chronos, with manners.
Lin Xiao Li number X
Lin is not the first number 10 but the second one . after Ash die by the hands of creed they got Lin to take his place.Lin’s admiration for Train is more directed to admiring his power, even though he is envious of it, he has some extent respects Train for it, and he has offended the Sweeper on several occasions. At first, he comments that they only care about money, then ask why they would help on a mission that they get nothing in return for. However, he does seem to have a moral code and helped Train to save Eve.

Character design was average. The Numbers and the other villains who had the power of the Tao looked impressive (Specially Leon) Eve had a big head (although she was adorable when she became a bit human) and Rins tried to pull of some fan service but it didn’t work too well for her. I have to say the characters were poorly managed – there were just too many of them and in the end, this has to go along with character devlmet as will . not everyone was able to get a good amount of screen time. I don’t even know the names of most of the sweepers from the sweeper alliance. A lot of them were unnecessary too. Although I still find myself liking Train. He was so cool and mysterious at first but in the end he became so wacky and funny and just adorable. but as will going a long with saying this Drawing style was so – so. I felt like it was almost there, but still quite lacking. Train was well drawn, but there were times when the drawing style would change and his face would morph. Speaking of morph, I noticed that the colors were inconsistent, specially when it came to hair colors. Towards the end I noticed that Sven’s hair was a darker green, and Eve’s hair was a paler yellow, and Rins’ hair was also a lighter purple. The colors were just sub par. I would also like to note the use of CG, which complimented the animation.
The voice acting was okay. to fair I have herd most people say some thinking about Train’s voice that it didn't match him, because he looked too young and his voice was too low. When he became more cheerful and friendly, his voice changed and became more suited to his personality. the only thinking I could And would say about Train's voice is this some time I through I was hearing hits of Syaoran form Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle but that has to do with the fact in the Eng dub they both are played by Jason Liebecht and i think he a good voice actor but i think he the kind of person who can hit some many places for every voices they every will do . so when he dos a different voice you will here hits for the voices he has down before but that go's to say with every actor out there . . so with this said going in to black cat be prepared for a slow story start and some what when thinking start to get going for it to feel a little rush but really when the story does get moving it hook you good to the point to wishing that it was longer for some points but with that said

I really like and en joy Black cat beside my little fit at the beginning of the show . ya I got with rule for my self if I do not get in to as show by like epsoid 5 or some time 8 It than take me a long time to finished, cuz with me I can't stop watching a show with out knowing how it end it silly I know but that how I am but Black cat won me over and I enjoy all most every min of it so I till next every one take care ^^
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