Hey all =^w^= How are you all doing I hope good ? I am doing all right , I guess I know what I am doing now and what kind of blog I am doing now. Analyzing Animé shows, which is awsome for me cuz I really love animé it like a whole different world, a whole new world for me lol. but anyway I hope you all like what I have down so far . will my out line going to be different for it now, It going to be like more like how I did my D N angel one and I think that going to be easy that way was doing and it going to be much easyer to read. I am analyzing the characters will telling some what the show's about and to go with out saying if I do not do a character in one of my little Analyzing thinking and you want me to analyze a character or tell you what I think about them you can comment down below and ask me to do so. ^^ and so going along with that if you would like me to analyze a perfect animé show you can ask down below for that as will, same go with this new little thinking I will be starting to do as will I am going to start analyzing moive's right now studio ghibli moives. I am also going to analyze right now 3 of my favourite non animé show's which I think will be fun to do, and you are maybe saying why are that your name is animebloggergir.l you have to blog about animé, yes that kind true but at the same time, I think it would be interesting and fun to analyze's non animé shows as will. but I am still going to blog motley about animé on here still . but that all now guys in till next time take care and God bless ^^
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