HI HI Konnichiwa ^^ the fisrt thinking i am every going to blogger about is anime really one of my favorite anime show of all time ouran host club or the long name ouran high school host club i mean i love this show so much i got the dvd's for my birthday and i up to volume 5 in the manga and i so bably am trying to save up my money to get some plushys and stuff of the show but any way's the show is about manly about Haruhi Fujioka a scholar student at Ouran Academy will one day she go looking for a quiet place to study, Haruhi stumbles upon the Third Music Room, a place where the Host Club is. in the club there is Tamaki the host king and President of the host club and the so called "Prince Type" and than you got Kyoya who is the Vice President of The Host Club and the "Cool Type"and than you got the twins Hikaru and Kaoru who are very funny in the show but they are know as the "Little Devil Type" and than you got Mitsukuni Haninozuka aka Hunny who is the sweet cute litte boy who love his sweet's and cute bunny name usa chan he is know as the "Shōta Type" and last but not lest is Takashi Morinozuka aka Mori he really is hunny big Strong and Silent friend Mori is know as to be the "Wild Type" in the club Customers have the freedom to choose which host will entertain them, playing to their specific needs and interests. Each member of the host club is a specific shōjo "type" designed to suit the varying tastes of female clients what does this all have to do with Haruhi stumbles in to this club will on her way trying to get out and trying to tell the boys she was just looking for a quiet place to study she do not mean to but bump in to a vest which is 8,000,000 yen. so for her to work off her debt of 8,000,000 yen, she act as the host club's dog boy for a little bite but than they really make a deal with her and telling her that if she dress up like a host and get i think 1000 Customers to ask for her that they will dope all of her debt .Haruhi said yes to the deal and become ahost her slef in the club she know as the "Natural/Gentle Type" and yes as the show go on you get to see Relationships start in the show and you get to see how the host club was made .Tamaki While he is flamboyant and narcissistic person we do see in like the first 3 shows as you do watch the show as it go on you can see he is the Princely type kind person what he said to there girl's will he is being a host he mean it every word of it he really cares for them and every one in the the club. he is the one to me who keep the host club together. he was the one who told hunny it OK to be who you are you can like cute stuff and sweet's there nothing wrong with that ." can you tell me what true strength is?.... I think hiding who you are and putting on airs seems to me like running away but to me knowing what you truly do like and acknowledged it it wothe more than any thinking just enjoying who you are that what true strength really is ." that has to be my all time favorite quote by him when he said that to hunny to tell him it OK to be you and with Kyoya and the Twins to i think Tamaki save them . Tamaki was the one to tell Kyoya it OK you do not have to be perfect all the time you can have fun do not worry what your father will thinking about you this is your life make the most of it will you can try going out of the line's a few time's you see it not that bad to be your self and to have fun . with Twins they was very lonely as kids in till they met Tamaki he would not give up on them every when the twin's were mean to him he just keep on going trying to become friends with them and he was the one who told them if they always was going to be by them self than nobody will every get to know them .and than there Haruhi Tanaki will that say what he did for her was he told her that she would never be left alone again that he would always be their to keep her safe . At first seen as more of a natural-born charmer, it's soon shown that Tamaki is the main source of comic relief through his antics and over-the-top behavior. Even though he is smooth-talking and charming around his clients, when around his friends and Haruhi he is often shown as a naive goofball.
Next there is Kyoya , he the one who I would say keep his eye on every thinking he the Mediator in the club . and the reason him and Tamaki are so good friends best every is cuz there are so much alike but so different in a way . Tamaki he goofy and Kyoya he more of the serious guy but I think with out Kyoya the host club would not work or have work as will as it did I mean with any one of the guys the host club would not have not have been what it is . you need some one like Kyoya in the club to keep the craziness that happens in there to a happy middle not saying Kyoya do not know how to have fun he does and he show it but he the one who has to be to say it time to calmer down . really if you want go in to bigger look at it all Tamaki and Kyoya to seem like there was met to be best friends in the show I mean you got Tamaki the goofy nut and you got Kyoya the more calm one but also being so different it personality they are so same it there personality and also in there home and family life as will . but if you think of it most every one in the host club does have and hard family life I mean with Kyoya he is being push to show up his brother's for his father to see he can be come the new head of the family with Tamaki he different being a only child he get evrythinking after his grandma and dad pass away but his family life is different cuz he come in to part of a family that does not really think that much of him or really as a part of the suoh family . with hunny he is different in away cuz he a 17 year old boy who still really like sweet and cute think which I think is OK but ya if a boy like that stuff it not Manley and he has to to put on this more manly look so become head of his family so hunny become some who he not to make really I think his father to make him hunny look more stronger but as was know who has ever see in the anime or manga hunny can't stop being who he is which is a cute funny sweet little boy no matter what or who think of him . will were mori is different I really do not a lot about him or his family really he has one brother I know of and he just has always been the loyal friend to all of the host club member's motley to hunny and he quit and he is to a sweet heart but beside that I really do not know that much about him or his family life . next is the twines Hikaru and Kaoru they are what I would say are lost soul's having the need and wanting to be know as different people but at the same time being scared of being hurt. they have always having each other so they do have some one to talk to but it not the same cuz you have different friends and people you need and have to go to if that one person is just getting on your nives a little bit I think we all have that one person in are life's that we need we can't live with out in your life but at the same time iy seem like your always with them and you just need some time by your self or want to talk to some one eals cuz you do not know what you did wrong to up set them that Hikaru and Kaoru to me they love each other so much they could not live with out each other but and the same time they want be know as different people but they are to scared to and so when they got in to the host club and try to let out more of there diffidences and show people yes we are twin's but they want be know as Hikaru and as Kaoru same but different people Haruhi she different as in the way of being the only host who a girl and not like her host club brothers she poor and they are rich. will Haruhi she a tomboy I would say but she does have a big heart I think so and she try to look for the good in every thinking and she really does like and seem to eicpley every one for who they are "I think it's fun to know the person little by little through looking at their personality."Haruhi is above all independent and straight-forward and believes that your gender should not define your personality. Since she was raised differently from her other classmates, she displays more practical, down to earth, responsible qualities and is not easily swooned by the charms of the other hosts like the other girls. Even so, she becomes a popular Host with her regular conversation and charming smile. She often shows her exasperation and distaste for the club, and even her fellow members, when she really does care deeply about them, as they do for her though not all will admit it. so ya you also do got the ouran host club live action show which is going on now but I only on episode 3 of that and I mean it OK it eng sub cuz the actors or speaking Japanese in the show but it OK I mean I still like the anime better but that just me cuz in the live action show one to me the characters would look different for one cuz I am sorry but when I see some one like Tamaki yes he has to look some what Japanese to me yes that a give really but I think he should be that blond head kid with blue's eyes that we see in the anime and manga still sorry but that how I see him as but I do have to say Haruhi and Kyoya in then the live action show do come very closes to what I do think what they may look in real life but that what I think .if you love ouran like I do you should give live action show a try really and ya that about it for now thank you all for coming on here and reading my rant about ouran and I will have some new rant or maybe a vid next blog OK guys bye for now ^^

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